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Kingly Translations offer most competitive
rates than our competitors in
The rate of Kingly Translations starts from as low as CAD0.20/USD 0.18 per
word depending on the content, format and language. All documents will be
quoted in the source language by the number of words.
The rates for website localization, desktop publishing, multimedia and
consulting services will be quoted case by case. Please provide details for
these projects so that we can come up with accurate quotes.
You will receive our quote within a few hours from the time we receive your e-mail
or fax. Please remember to also send us your documents for review and rest assured
that all your information will be kept strictly confidential.
Contact US
Most Competitive Rates
Contact Details
Tel: 416-519-2279
Mobile: 613-884-8858
Add: 45 Trump Ave, Ottawa, ON K2C 4A4
駕照和身份證每份收費$40(稅前),出生證、畢業證、學位證、結婚證和離婚證每本收費$50(稅前),其他檔請先用郵件發高清電子掃描件給我,並注明希望取件時間。等我報價之後,如同意我的報價和交稿時間,渥太華客戶可在約定時間前來渥太華45 Trump Ave 自取。來時請帶原件及一份影本,以便在影本上面蓋ATIO認證翻譯章。外地的客戶需要通過e-transfer先支付翻譯費以及加拿大境內$20郵費。
安省翻譯協會 (ATIO) 中英雙向認證翻譯師(註冊號2837) Edward Liu
電話: 416-519-2279;手機: 613-884-8858
Kingly Translations