With out team of professional translators, Kingly Translations can meet the special requirements of each project. Our spectrum of services, including document translation, website localization, desktop publishing, multimedia and consulting are catered to our discerning clients at most competitive rates in Northern America while maintaining a top standard of quality.
For every project, no matter large or small, we adopt a strict three-step approach incorporating translation, editing and proofreading.
Translators chosen based on subject matter expertise ensure that the target language text is accurate and stylistically appropriate, with the help of Kingly Translations' terminology lists, dictionaries, style guides and reference material.
Editors, mostly consisting of native speakers, validate translators' adherence to specific linguistic requirements, verify that all nuances of the source language were correctly communicated.
Proofreaders look for punctuation and spelling errors and work very closely with desktop publishing teams to provide seamless integration into the overall localization process.
1. 認證翻譯,包括駕照、身份證、公民證、交管所證明、護照、出生證、畢業證、學歷證、成績單、資格證、戶口本、房產證、結婚證、離婚證、無犯罪記錄證明、工作證明、資產證明、完稅證明、銀行回單、醫療單據等。
2. 留學論文翻譯:簡歷、留學申請書、推薦信、課程作業、學術論文等。
3. 廣告翻譯:企業或個人網站、產品介紹、宣傳廣告資料等。
4. 法律翻譯:法院判決書、婚前協定、遺囑、合同協定、公司章程、股東會協定、股權轉讓協定、營業執照、營業合同、公司登記(備案)申請書、法律檔送達授權委託書等。